Age Friendly Pioneer Valley Regional Meeting: Active Transportation on Zoom
Date and Time
Tuesday Mar 11, 2025
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM EDT
Join the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission in discussing Active Transportation, the Regional Bike and Pedestrian Plan, and the Complete Streets Program.
Regional Bike and Pedestrian Plan: The Pioneer Valley Planning Commission is updating the Region’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan. The plan describes the status of walking and bicycling in the Pioneer Valley, but more importantly, it highlights actions that state, regional and municipal government, advocacy organizations and individuals can take to encourage people to walk and bicycle in the Pioneer Valley. PVPC is interested in identifying the actions we can take to make places for people to walk and bicycle. This plan combines policy-related actions and physical projects that regional officials and citizens can collaborate on to improve conditions for pedestrians and bicyclists. We want to hear from you. What would make walking or biking safer in your community or neighborhood?
Complete Streets: This meeting will include as short presentation of the Complete Streets program and what municipalities can do to join the program and access funds for planning and implementation of projects for pedestrians, people on bikes or using wheelchairs, and public transportation. |
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