Independent and world cinema. First-run film and classics. Curated film series. Filmmaker and guest appearances. 4 state-of-the-art theaters.
The Burnett Gallery, located on the second floor of the Jones Library has monthly exhibits displaying the work of local artists.
The only full -scale museum of its kind in the United States, The Carle collects, preserves, presents and celebrates picture books and picture book illustrations from around the world.
Exhibits feature work by graduating students, fine arts faculty, and emerging regional artists, as well as by contemporary artists of national and international stature.
The mission of the Hitchcock Center for the Environment is to educate and inspire action for a healthy planet.
An active program of free exhibitions and events, late-night open hours, and a museum shop-café, Mead is a must see attraction.
The Mill District Local Art Gallery creates a community hub for emerging and established artists to show and sell their work, teach pop-up classes in their art modality, and learn together.
Seeking to save Yiddish literature and keep the language alive.
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Amherst Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
35 South Pleasant Street, Amherst, MA 01002 – 413-253-0700 –